XXXI (2008)

  • Yuriko SAKURAI, The Frescoes Program of the New Church of Tokalı Kilise, Cappadocia.
  • Juri WAGURI, Le Scuole Grandi e i nobili nella Venezia rinascimentale. (I.)
  • Akihito KUDO, Colonial Cities and Urban Forms in Nineteenth Century Algeria.
  • Tomoko TAKAHASHI, Vasari and the Maniera Moderna of Giorgione.
  • Ryo MIYASHITA, Topoi of Oriental Travel Books between the Antiquity and the Different Culture: French Ambassador d’Aramon and His Companies.
  • Noboru SATO, Internal Bribery and Athenian Society in the late 5th and 4th Century BCE.
  • Shigetake NAGAO, [Book Review] J. Higaya, The Interpretation of the Ancient Architecture in the High Renaissance.
  • Kaoru ADACHI, [Book Review] N. Kai, Federico Barocci e I Cappuccini: rose della carità e invito all’orazione.